Opening Ceremony of giving food to Saint Tran at Tran Thuong Xuan Giap Thin temple

16/02/2024 29/02/2024 354 1
On the evening of February 17, 2024 (January 8, Giap Thin year), the People's Committee of Ly Nhan district held the opening ceremony of the Festival of giving food to Saint Tran at Tran Thuong Xuan Giap Thin temple in 2024.


Delegates attended the opening of  the festival

Ritual of presenting petitions before the Council

Attending the opening ceremony were Mr. Tran Duc Thuan - Provincial Party Committee member - Secretary of the District Party Committee - Chairman of Ly Nhan District People's Council; Mr. Nguyen Duc Nhuong - Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee - Chairman of Ly Nhan District People's Committee; Mr. Nguyen Duc Cuong - Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communications; Member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee; Member of the District Party Executive Committee; departments and divisions under Ly Nhan district along with a large number of people and tourists from all over...


Chairman of Ly Nhan District People's Committee Nguyen Duc Nhuong spoke at the opening of the festival

Speaking at the opening of the festival, Chairman of Ly Nhan District People's Committee Nguyen Duc Nhuong said: The Tran Thuong temple's food distribution festival is an activity with traditional spiritual meaning to pray for a year of favorable weather and good harvests. bumper harvest, healthy, prosperous and peaceful homes, and at the same time remind generations of the moral principle "When drinking water, remember the source", commemorating the merits of Saint Vu Hung Dao Dai Vuong Tran Quoc Tuan. Thereby educating patriotic traditions, fighting foreign invaders and protecting the country for today's generations; is a cultural event of great significance, the honor and pride of the Party, government, army and people. Ly Nhan district, Ha Nam province.


District Party Committee Secretary Tran Duc Thuan beat the drum to open the festival

Duke Tiet Te Nhan Vu Hung Dao Great King Tran Quoc Tuan - National hero, military leader, politician, and prominent cultural figure of the 13th century. He was born in 1228 in Kiep Bac, Hung Dao commune, Chi Linh district, Hai Duong province; hometown in Tuc Mac village, My Loc district, Nam Dinh province. He died on August 20, Canh Ty year 1300 at Van Kiep palace. With his great merits, he was awarded the title "Grand Master of National Patriarch Tiet Che Nhan Vu Hung Dao Dai Vuong" by the Tran Court.

He is "a strategic military genius and the greatest national hero of the Tran Dynasty". He is revered by the world as one of the 10 talented generals through the ages. People all over the country respect him. honored him as a Saint - Holy Tran in the consciousness of the "Holy Father"  of all people. The name and merits of Nhan Vu Hung Dao Dai Vuong Tran Quoc Tuan have left a deep mark in the heroic history of building and defending the country of the Vietnamese people.


Lion and dragon dance performance at the opening ceremony

Art program at the opening ceremony

During the resistance war against the Mongol - Yuan invaders, the land of Ly Nhan (Ha Nam) was chosen by Hung Dao Dai Vuong to set up 6 food warehouses to serve the resistance war against the invaders, of which Tran Thuong land was the food warehouse. is the main location of Tran Thuong temple today. Tran Thuong Temple is one of three typical places and relics worshiping Saint Tran along with Bao Loc temple (Nam Dinh), Kiep Bac temple (Hai Duong) whose ordination is still preserved here with the words: "Kiep Bac, Bao Loc and Tran Thuong are most kind." In 2015, Tran Thuong Temple was ranked a special national historical and cultural relic.

During the Festival, there are activities such as: Water procession, salary procession, Tran Thuong festival night and other rich cultural and sports activities. A special highlight of the Festival is the ceremony of distributing food to Saint Tran, which starts from 9:00 p.m. on the 14th to dawn on the 15th of January./.

Source: Luong Hau/

