Phu Ly perch rice cake soup
Phu Ly perch rice cake soup
Phu Ly perch rice cake soup


Price: Updating


Time to visit a place: 120 phút

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM



The broth for Phu Ly perch rice cake soup is made from boiled perch, the meat is removed, the bones are pounded to make broth with vegetables or spinach.

Cooked with rice cakes to create a delicious dish.

Phu Ly perch rice cake attracts eaters thanks to the rich sweet water, the yellow meat of the perch mixed with the green color of vegetables, the sweet and fragrant taste of the broth...





The broth for Phu Ly perch rice cake soup is made from boiled perch, the meat is removed, the bones are pounded to make broth with vegetables or spinach.

Cooked with rice cakes to create a delicious dish.

Phu Ly perch rice cake attracts eaters thanks to the rich sweet water, the yellow meat of the perch mixed with the green color of vegetables, the sweet and fragrant taste of the broth...