To make Ha Nam tourism become a key economic sector


Thoroughly grasp the guiding viewpoints of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Committee on tourism development until 2030, with a vision to 2050; Effectively implement Resolution No. 12 - NQ/TU of the Provincial Party Committee on promoting trade - service development, focusing on tourism and logistics in Ha Nam province in the period 2021-2025, orientation to 2030, in recent years , Ha Nam tourism industry has had an important breakthrough. The number of tourists coming to Ha Nam has continuously increased over the years. On average, each year Ha Nam tourism grows from 20% to 25%, leading to increased tourism revenue, each year higher than the previous year. If in 2022, the province's total tourism revenue reaches 2,152.5 billion VND, in 2023 it will increase to 3,279 billion VND and Ha Nam will be honored on the domestic and international tourism map. That means the goals and guiding views of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Committee have been effectively realized through specific action programs.

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Resolution No. 12 -NQ/TU of the Provincial Party Committee on promoting the development of trade and services, focusing on tourism and logistics in Ha Nam province in the period 2021-2025, with an orientation to 2030, clearly stated: During the years In the coming time, Ha Nam will focus on exploiting the potential and advantages of regional connectivity, promoting trade and service development; The focus is on tourism and logistics services; promote the strengths of Tam Chuc Tourist Area to attract high quality services, transform economic structure, improve efficiency and sustainable development; At the same time, complete planning and plans for trade, service and tourism development; building unique tourism products; Attract and mobilize maximum investment resources to soon form national and international resorts and eco-tourism areas; Striving by 2025, Tam Chuc tourist area will welcome 3.5 million visitors, bringing the total number of tourists to Ha Nam to 5 million/year and tourism revenue to about 6,000 billion VND...

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Tam Chuc National Tourist Area (Kim Bang).

From 2021 up to now, on the basis of closely following the goals, orientations and guiding viewpoints of the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has actively coordinated with agencies and units. related to completing the planning of functional subdivisions of Tam Chuc tourist area and submitting it to competent authorities for approval; Urging and coordinating to speed up the progress of completing investment procedures to build the frame infrastructure project of Tam Chuc Tourist Area; promptly coordinate with departments, branches and localities to contribute ideas to the draft Ha Nam Provincial Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050; Advise on adjusting the scope, boundaries, scale and additional functions for functional areas in Tam Chuc Tourist Area until 2030; Participate in opinions as a basis for the Provincial People's Committee to decide to approve the investment policy of the Ba Sao luxury resort and entertainment urban area project, Kim Bang district; We would like to request a policy to deploy and evaluate the criteria of Tam Chuc Tourist Area as a basis to advise the Provincial People's Committee to direct and complete it to meet the criteria of the National Tourist Area; continue to implement steps to renovate and repair Ba Kien house in the Nam Cao Martyrs' Writer Memorial Area, Hoa Hau commune, Ly Nhan district...

 To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector  

As a result, up to now, the province has completed planning 5 Key tourist areas and destinations, including: Tam Chuc tourist area; Spiritual cultural tourist destination of Lanh Giang temple; Ba Vu Temple spiritual cultural tourist destination; The festival center area belongs to the historical and cultural relic complex of Tran Thuong Temple; Humanistic tourist destination commemorating Martyr Writer Nam Cao. At the same time, deploy infrastructure investment in planned tourist areas and destinations. The whole province has 12 recognized tourist destinations, 01 tourist area (Tam Chuc Tourist Area) is included in the list of potential locations for development into a National Tourist Area and has been approved by the Prime Minister. Master plan for development until 2030, striving to basically complete the criteria to be recognized as a national tourist area by 2025.

In particular, Tam Chuc Tourist Area was voted "Vietnam's Leading Cultural Tourist Destination" and "Asia's Leading Cultural Tourist Destination" at the 2023 World Travel Awards (World Travel) Awards 2023) Asia-Oceania region. High-end restaurants, hotels, and entertainment facilities have been invested and built such as Muong Thanh Luxury Ha Nam Hotel, Vinpearl Melia Phu Ly, Kim Bang golf course, sports complex in Tuong Linh commune, Kim Bang district. Ha Nam currently has nearly 200 tourist accommodation establishments, including 02 5-star hotels, 09 3-star hotels, 18 1- and 2-star hotels with a total of nearly 4,000 standard rooms and nearly 30 Travel and tourist transport businesses operate stably...

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Chairman of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia Samdech Khuon Sudary visited Tam Chuc tourist area on his return to work in Ha Nam.

Although it is considered the industry that has suffered the most losses due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the attention and companionship of the Party, State, and local authorities at all levels; flexibility in direction of the Culture, Sports and Tourism sector; Thanks to the self-mobilization of businesses, Ha Nam tourism economic area has quickly recovered and experienced outstanding growth, becoming an attractive destination for many domestic and international tourists. In particular, with the event that Tam Chuc Tourist Area was voted by the World Travel Awards as "Vietnam's Leading Cultural Tourist Destination" and "Asia's Leading Cultural Tourist Destination" in early September 2023. , believes that Ha Nam tourism will continue to have breakthroughs in the coming years... That is the opinion of Mr. Mai Thanh Chung, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Ha Nam.

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

With the goal of diversifying and improving the quality of tourism products, continuing to promote trade and tourism promotion activities and attract investment; To build a favorable business and investment environment, from 2022, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has coordinated with localities throughout the province to conduct surveys and propose to submit to the Provincial People's Committee to recognize 8 more tourist destinations. tourism, and at the same time build and develop a number of tourism products with strengths and characteristics of the province; Implement research and survey activities, consolidate construction and promote the development of tourist destinations in the direction of sports tourism, eco-resort tourism and cultural and historical tourism associated with spirituality. , beliefs.

 To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Accordingly, the industry proposed and received approval from the Provincial People's Committee to establish a master plan for the special national relic area of ​​Doi Son pagoda, Tien Son commune, Duy Tien town and coordinate to advise on the establishment of an appraisal council. The task of planning to preserve, restore and promote the value of the special national relic of Doi Son Pagoda. Prepare detailed construction planning at 1/500 scale for the central area of ​​Doi Son Presidential Festival, Tien Son commune, Duy Tien town. Continue to prepare a monument profile to submit to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for consideration and ranking as a national monument. Nam Cao Martyr Writer Memorial Area, Hoa Hau commune, Ly Nhan district, Ha Nam province.

In particular, in 2022, implement the coordination signing program between the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the People's Committee of Phu Ly city at Coordination Program No. 01/CTPH-SVHTTDL-UBND dated August 3, 2022 Regarding the coordination of organizing cultural, sports and tourism activities, the department has proactively directed specialized departments and units to coordinate with functional departments of Phu Ly city to participate in building and organizing Activities on the city's walking streets to contribute to attracting and serving tourists for sightseeing and shopping.

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Images of tourists visiting and sightseeing at Dia Tang Phi Lai Pagoda, Tam Chuc Pagoda and Lanh Giang Temple (Ha Nam).

Towards the goal of building the world's biodiversity and cultural heritage, in recent times, the department has also directed specialized units to well implement coordination programs in research, ranking, and registration. Typical cultural heritages of the Tam Chuc - Le Chan - Bat Canh Son relic and landscape complex, period 2021 - 2025; Implement a plan to inventory and catalog intangible cultural heritage at the Tam Chuc scenic complex. In early 2023, the Prime Minister signed a Decision recognizing 02 National Treasures: Tien Noi Bronze Drum I and Giau Pagoda Stone Stele. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has also issued decisions to classify as national monuments the Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex, the Nam Cao Tomb and Memorial Historical Site, and the Nam Cao Historical Site. Lat Son stronghold (including the Temple of Female General Le Chan, Giat Dau mountain, But hill), Bat Canh Son scenic spot.

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Nha Xa silk weaving craft, Moc Nam commune (Duy Tien town).

According to Mr. Nguyen Van Trong, Deputy Director of Ha Nam Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, these will be solid "fulcrums" for Ha Nam to continue to diversify and improve the quality of tourism products, creating many specific tourism products to satisfy the sightseeing and shopping needs of tourists... in which, in particular, paying attention to developing tourism products that are highly artistic, creative and attractive. major tourist attraction; linking cultural festival tourism products with rural tourism products, green tourism... In 2023, with the successful organization of the Tourism Development Investment Promotion Conference of Ha Nam province with the theme "Ha Nam - Connection Journey" on May 19, 2023 at Tam Chuc Tourist Area, Ha Nam became the first province in the country to implement Resolution No. 82/NQ-CP dated May 18/ 2023 of the Government on the main tasks and solutions to accelerate recovery and accelerate effective and sustainable tourism development in the direction of "Special products - Professional services - Convenient and simple procedures - Prices". Competitive prices - Clean and beautiful hygienic environment - Safe, civilized and friendly destination. To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Gradually promote the implementation of digital transformation of the tourism industry, aiming to develop smart tourism with the support of digital technology, creating and providing the most convenient services for tourists, bringing Satisfaction for tourists is also identified as the central and thorough task of the cultural industry in particular and of Ha Nam province in general in the coming years.

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Developing "green tourism" means developing tourism based on the foundation of rational and effective exploitation of natural resources and resources; promoting the development of green tourism products and services to serve consumption; with preserving and promoting the values ​​of natural resources and national cultural heritage; protecting the environment, preserving biodiversity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. Tourism Green is a responsible way to travel, helping to effectively implement sustainable tourism development goals.

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Scientific workshop on preserving and promoting historical and cultural values ​​associated with tourism development of the special national relic Tran Thuong Temple (Ly Nhan, Ha Nam).

However, to develop green tourism, according to Mr. Mai Thanh Chung, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, there are 3 basic contents that need attention. First of all, for green tourism management, it is necessary to have institutions, policies, strategies, planning, and green tourism development plans. Next, is the production of green tourism products and services, requiring tourism businesses and tourism businesses to exploit resources, develop products, and create green tourism products and services. . Finally, green tourism consumption means tourists consciously choose and use green tourism products and services, and choose green destinations; Be responsible for protecting resources and the environment when traveling...

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Tran Thuong Temple - where the Thanh Tran Food Distribution Festival takes place on the night of January 14 every year, always attracts a large number of people and tourists.

Therefore, in order for Ha Nam tourism to develop in the direction of green and sustainable tourism, in addition to improving the quality of tourism products, promote promotion and introduction of tourist areas, attractions, and festivals. Typical traditional handicraft villages and associations have great potential in orienting tourism development, Ha Nam needs to actively participate in tourism fairs, introduce tourist destinations, and publish brochures. Introducing tourist areas and destinations, effectively managing and exploiting Ha Nam tourism website, tourism information portal and smart tourism application of Ha Nam province.

 To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Continue to invest in perfecting eco-tourism and entertainment areas, forming high-end commercial and service areas, key tourist areas, resorts... to meet tourist needs. domestically and internationally. Maintain, strengthen and improve the quality of the province's existing tourism products: Resort tourism, eco-tourism, agricultural tourism, community tourism, cultural tourism, spiritual tourism, tourism Craft villages, sports tourism (including golf tourism products)... perfect and improve the quality of destinations, tourism products and services; Forming characteristic series of events, building a long-term local tourism brand such as street Carnival, walking streets... Focusing investment resources on tourism infrastructure projects. Promote tourism advertising and promotion activities combined with promotion and investment attraction programs. Applying information and communication technology in restarting the tourism industry on websites and social platforms, information channels, and mass media (newspapers, television channels inside and outside the province) .

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Maintaining and developing traditional industries to become an experiential tourist destination is also opening up tourism development for Ha Nam.

Strengthen links and cooperation in investment promotion and tourism promotion with regional provinces and major domestic tourism centers on surveys, surveys, and design of tourism programs and tourism products. inter-regional and province-specific tourism products. Implement tourism development cooperation agreements between Ha Nam and provinces and cities across the country, focusing on prioritizing the implementation of tourism development cooperation agreements in the Red River Delta and Northeast Coast, The focus is on Hanoi, Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh, Nam Dinh, Hai Phong, Quang Ninh in tourism product development, connecting tours and routes, cooperation in promoting and promoting tourism; Linking tours and routes in the region to effectively exploit products and advantages of localities. In particular, special importance is attached to training and improving the quality of human resources to ensure service quality and sustainable competitiveness of businesses and Ha Nam tourism.

To make Ha Nam tourism a key economic sector 

Some pictures at the Doi Son 2024 Tich Dien festival in Tien Son commune, Duy Tien town.

 Speaking at the Announcement Ceremony of Ha Nam Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha emphasized: Ha Nam has exceptionally rich natural resources and tourism resources. rich with nearly 2,000 relics, including many long-standing historical and cultural relics, associated with the history of our ancestors' struggle to build and defend the country, typically Doi Son Pagoda; Tran Thuong temple; Lang Temple worships King Dinh and kings of the Early Le Dynasty; Ba Danh pagoda; Tam Chuc scenic spot... Along with that are many charming landscapes, landscapes, cultural heritage, art, and traditional festivals of the wet rice civilization that have been preserved for thousands of years, restored and developed. Sustainable developments such as Doi Son Presidency Festival, Duc Thanh Tran Food Distribution Festival... create great attraction for domestic and foreign tourists. Planning for Ha Nam province, with the aspiration to develop Ha Nam into a centrally run city by 2035, will open up new opportunities and development spaces for Ha Nam to successfully transform its growth model towards green. transform economies; becoming an environmentally friendly industrial and high-tech center and an attractive destination for cultural, spiritual, resort and sports tourism...


