Manage and organize festivals well and effectively exploit the value of historical and cultural relics


From the beginning of the year to the end of the third lunar month, many festivals and activities take place in the province to serve the spring travel needs of the people. In order for activities to take place according to regulations, ensuring security, safety, and good customs, the Inspectorate of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism (VH, Sports and Tourism) has established a delegation to inspect festivals, historical and cultural relics, tourist areas and destinations in the province, focusing on the time before, during and after the 2024 Lunar New Year.

The inspection team coordinated with the culture and information departments of districts, towns and cities to inspect the preparations for organizing festivals and the preparations to welcome visitors at a number of relics. , key tourist areas and destinations such as: Doi Son Presidency Festival, Saint Tran's salary distribution ceremony at Tran Thuong temple, Tam Chuc Spring Festival, Doi Son pagoda, Tien pagoda, Dia Tang Phi Lai pagoda, Truc - Ngu Dong temple Son, Ba Danh pagoda - Ngoc mountain, Vinh Son temple relic cluster - Ham Long pagoda, Historical relic area of ​​President Ho Chi Minh giving a talk to encourage officials and people of Ha Nam to fight drought, Tu Duong area of ​​poet Nguyen Recommended…

Traditional rituals during the Tich Dien festival are carried out methodically and thoughtfully by local people.  Photo: Chu Uyen

At the inspection sites, the delegation requested the Department of Culture and Information of districts, towns and cities to coordinate with local authorities at all levels to direct the Monument Management Board and Festival Organizing Committee to properly implement documents of the Central Government. central government, province and industry in the management, organization of festivals and exploitation of the value of historical and cultural relics; welcoming tourists on the occasion of the beginning of spring at monuments, tourist areas and destinations such as: Law on Tourism; Cultural Heritage Law; Law on Belief and Religion and related decrees, circulars, directives, official dispatches...

With festivals, inspections show the interest and involvement of local authorities, festival organizers and people. All festivals are planned and scripted by the Organizing Committee, with the participation of the organizers. assign specific tasks to each member, and at the same time prepare well the conditions for facilities, forces participating in organizing the festival, environmental sanitation, and develop plans to ensure security and order. propaganda work about the cultural and historical values ​​of the festival.

With monuments, areas, and tourist attractions, the Management Board has also proactively built plans and plans to prepare to welcome visitors on the occasion of the beginning of spring, well prepared physical facilities, and arranged goods. The restaurant is neat, pays attention to food hygiene and safety, fire and explosion prevention...

During and after the Lunar New Year, the delegation inspected the reality at the Doi Son Presidency Festival, the Holy Tran Ceremony at Tran Thuong Temple, the Tam Chuc Spring Festival, the relic complex of Vinh Son Temple - Ham Long Pagoda, and the Tam Chuc Temple. Bamboo - Ngu Dong Son, Dia Tang Phi Lai Pagoda, Lanh Giang Temple. Through inspection, all festivals and spring festivals are organized in accordance with regulations, in accordance with local customs and practices, ensuring security and order, and welcoming visitors attentively, friendly, and guaranteed. environmental sanitation. According to data from the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, from the beginning of the year until now, the total number of visitors to Ha Nam for sightseeing and tourism is estimated at nearly 3.2 million people, the total revenue from tourism is estimated at over 2,400 billion VND.

However, the Inspection Team also said that there are still many problems such as at some monuments, areas, and tourist attractions, there is still the phenomenon of fortune-telling, and prices for parking and storing ceremonial items are not publicly listed. ensuring aesthetics, using cup candles does not ensure fire prevention and fighting, and receiving merit in kind. Propaganda and promotion work to people and tourists from all over the world of some newly recognized tourist areas and destinations is still limited. With these limitations, the Inspection Team requested local authorities and the Management Board of monuments, areas and tourist attractions to increase coordination with all levels and branches to prevent the phenomenon of circulation of publications from occurring. no labels, exchanging change for the difference, superstitious activities, begging cause disorder, affecting the sanctity of monuments and festival culture; publicly list service prices and sell at the correct listed price; Burn incense and votive paper in the right place; Strengthen propaganda and promotion to people and tourists from all over about the cultural and historical values ​​of monuments, festivals, tourist areas and destinations.

Mr. Nguyen Van Huong, Deputy Chief Inspector of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said: To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management in the field of culture and tourism, the department's functional departments must strengthen their work. Advising department leaders on issuing guiding documents in state management of cultural activities and cultural service business; guide establishments to strengthen management, protection and promotion of relic values ​​according to decentralized management; Guide the organization of festival activities in accordance with central and provincial regulations.

Advise department leaders to issue documents instructing tourist areas and destinations to strengthen propaganda and promotion to people and tourists about cultural and historical values ​​and strictly implement regulations. on management of tourist areas and destinations.

Propagating and disseminating the Cultural Heritage Law and documents guiding its implementation to people and tourists contributes to raising awareness and responsibility in preserving and protecting monuments, tourist areas and destinations. Regularly inspect and grasp cultural, sports and tourism activities in the area, promptly advise on handling violations to help organizations and individuals participating in activities and business in the management sector comply with regulations. provisions of the law.

Source: Chu Binh/

