Temple of 10 female martyrs of Lam Ha militia


The temple of the 10 Lam Ha female martyrs was built on the land of the 37mm anti-aircraft artillery site in Dinh Trang village, Lam Ha commune, Duy Tien district during the years of fierce resistance against the US imperialists' destructive war (now Dinh Trang residential group, Lam Ha ward, Phu Ly city). In front of it is hung a 250kg bomb dropped by the US imperialists on the site on October 1, 1966, which was salvaged by the 299th Engineer Regiment - I Corps on October 20, 2008. The temple is shaded by ancient trees all year round. The temple is where people in the area, surrounding areas and visitors from all over come to offer incense, light candles... to remember and show gratitude for the contributions of the 10 Lam Ha female martyrs who heroically sacrificed themselves right on their homeland to protect the independence and freedom of the Fatherland.

The temple of the 10 female martyrs of Lam Ha militia was built including: a 3-room front hall, a 1-room back hall, four curved roofs, a floor paved with Bat Trang bricks, the door of the middle room was made in the style of upper and lower panels, the roof rafters were made in the style of stacked beams and two-beams... The middle room of the front hall has a communal altar, on the wall of the front hall are hung portraits of the 10 female martyrs of Lam Ha militia. The back hall has an altar of 10 female martyrs, on the altar are tablets with the names of the female martyrs. When offering incense, lighting candles to remember and pay tribute to the female martyrs, everyone is moved and choked up when looking at the portraits of the women hanging neatly and solemnly on the wall of the front hall. The 10 female martyrs of Lam Ha militia sacrificed their lives at the most beautiful age of youth (from 16 to 24 years old), they are typical examples of Vietnamese women "Heroic, indomitable, loyal, and responsible", forever the pride of the homeland and country. 

After heavy defeats on the southern battlefield, the US imperialists escalated their attacks on the North to prevent the North from providing manpower and material support to the southern front; at the same time, they sabotaged the construction of socialism in the North of our country. During the period of fighting against the US imperialists' destructive war, Lam Ha had many important traffic routes running through it such as: National Highway 1A, the North-South railway, 3km of Bac Chau Giang dike, in addition, there were 2 pontoon bridges (also known as submerged bridges) used for military vehicles to cross the Chau Giang river whenever Phu Ly bridge was destroyed and had not been repaired yet. With an important strategic position, from the beginning of 1965 to the end of 1966, Military Region 3 surveyed and arranged in Lam Ha commune 3 anti-aircraft artillery positions of 37mm, 57mm and 100mm located in 3 villages: Dinh Trang, Duong Am, Hoa Lac to coordinate with the anti-aircraft artillery position of Phu Van commune to create a pincer position, effectively countering the attacks of enemy aircraft, ensuring traffic, communication, serving the work of transporting food, and supporting human resources for the fronts on the southern battlefield. Of the 3 positions above, the 37mm anti-aircraft artillery position of Dinh Trang village was the main and most important position, this place was considered the "steel post on the left bank of the Chau River".

The Lam Ha Temple of 10 female martyrs of the militia is a place to educate generations about tradition.
Photo: The Trang

Under the direction of all levels from the province to the grassroots, according to the requirements of the combat coordination mission, on August 5, 1965, the Lam Ha Commune Air Defense Militia Company was established, with 87 comrades, divided into 2 platoons (1 male platoon, 1 female platoon), 1 reconnaissance team, 1 communication team, 1 first aid team. The female platoon consisted of 24 comrades who both fought independently and fought in the main force formation. The female militia soldiers were assigned to the artillery positions of the main force as follows: 37mm artillery position with 7 soldiers, two 57mm and 100mm artillery positions with 6 soldiers each. In each position, the female militia soldiers were assigned to other combat positions such as: gunner, medic, ammunition supply...

During the 7 years of fighting against the destructive war of the American imperialists (1965 - 1972), despite the rain of bombs from the American enemy on the battlefields day and night, the Lam Ha commune air defense militia force still steadfastly held their ground, fought bravely to protect the safety of the assigned targets. In the fierce battles on October 1, 1966, October 9, 1966 and July 7, 1967 at the air defense artillery positions, 10 Lam Ha female militias heroically sacrificed themselves right on their homeland. They were Martyrs Dinh Thi Tam, Tran Thi Tuyet, Nguyen Thi Thu, Nguyen Thi Thi, Pham Thi Lan, Vu Thi Phuong, Nguyen Thi Thuan, Tran Thi Thep, Nguyen Thi Oanh and Dang Thi Chung. The sacrifice of the 10 Lam Ha female militia martyrs demonstrated the indomitable will, brave fighting spirit, and readiness to sacrifice for the Fatherland, for the homeland of the children of the heroic Lam Ha land. The sacrifice of these women is also a symbol of indomitable spirit; a continuation of the glorious tradition of fighting to defend the country of our ancestors; a source of pride for the people of Lam Ha in particular and the people of Ha Nam in general.

I had the opportunity to meet and talk with relatives of Lam Ha female militia martyrs right at their temple. In the memories of their relatives, when they were alive, they were all gentle, kind, responsible, cheerful, optimistic, life-loving girls, always caring for their families, especially very responsible in their work, brave and resilient in fighting the enemy.

The Lam Ha 10 Female Militia Martyrs Temple, together with the Ha Nam Province Martyrs Temple and the Lam Ha Air Defense Artillery Site National Monument (1965-1972), is a place to visit, commemorate and pay tribute to the female martyrs, as well as a place to educate the glorious revolutionary tradition of the homeland, and to educate future generations about the brave sacrifices in the fight to protect the Fatherland. 

Source: baohanam.com.vn


