Unique Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex


Tam Chuc scenic complex is located in Ba Sao town, Kim Bang district. More than 10,000 years ago, this land was settled and explored by ancient Vietnamese people. Relics and artifacts bearing typical features of Hoa Binh culture, Dong Son culture and artifacts of the Eastern Han, Sui - Duong to Ly - Tran periods found on this land prove that. This land is also associated with gods, Buddhas, monarchs such as Dinh Tien Hoang, Ly Quoc Su, Tran Nhan Tong and unique festivals. Carrying many layers of historical and cultural sediments, from ancient remote mountain hamlets, Ba Sao has become a town and is increasingly developing, especially with the strength of tourism when this place exists. majestic pagodas, century-old works of Buddhist spiritual culture in Vietnam and the world, and ancient temples dating back thousands of years to worship Buddha and those who have contributed to the people and the country.

Characters worship and festivals at Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex

Associated with gods, Buddhas, and monarchs, this place has a unique complex of relics that is quite rich and diverse. The ancient Tam Chuc communal house, imbued with traditional architecture, is located on the surface of Luc Nhac lake (Tam Chuc lake) and is the place to worship Dinh Bo Linh and his wife, Queen Duong Thi Nguyet. According to local legend and the genealogy of Dang Xa communal house (Van Xa commune, Kim Bang district), when Tran Lam died, Dinh Bo Linh brought his generals to Hoa Lu to recruit heroes to quell the rebellion of 12 warlords. Dinh Bo Linh returned to Kim Bang to set up a camp and command Can Vuong to defeat the enemy. The couple of the wealthy leader in Van Xa, who admired his talent and virtue, married his daughter Duong Thi Nguyet to Dinh Bo Linh. Queen Duong Thi Nguyet gave birth to a daughter named Dinh Thi Ngoc (Princess Ngoc Nuong). After Dinh Bo Linh's death, Emperor Le Dai Hanh ascended the throne and ordered all communes where King Dinh's military garrison had previously been stationed to bring the honor back to the people to build a temple. The people of Tam Chuc and Ba Sao communes obeyed the edict. Just go to the capital to process and worship.

Unique Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex

New Tam Chuc Pagoda. Photo: Binh Nguyen

Tam Chuc communal house also worships Cao Son, the protector of the nation, a talented general who helped King Hung Due Vuong fight Thuc Phan. On the way to fight the enemy, Cao Son established posts and camps in many places, including Ba Sao land. When he passed away, people set up a shrine at Tam Chuc communal house. Co-worshiped at Tam Chuc communal house and the human deity was given the title Dai Can National Nam Hai four superior deities. He was credited with helping King Tran Anh Tong fight the Champa invaders, King Le Thai To defeated the Ngo invaders and King Le Thanh Tong continued to defeat the Champa invaders.

Ba Sao ancient pagoda is located in the middle of a majestic mountainous and river area where Zen Master Nguyen Minh Khong, on his way to build a pagoda, practice to save people, stopped, picked medicine to practice religion to save people and expand Ba Sao pagoda. , changed its name to Tam Chuc Quoc Tu. After his death, this ancient temple worshiped him and Buddha Emperor Tran Nhan Tong. Legend has it that in 1301, Buddha Emperor Tran Nhan Tong gave a sermon and searched for traces of Zen Master Nguyen Minh Khong. When arriving at Ba Sao land, seeing an ancient temple on the mountainside, the Buddha Emperor stopped to worship. Knowing that this place worshiped the National Teacher of the Ly Dynasty, he and the villagers repaired the pagoda and preached Dharma to the people here.

From the ancient pagoda looking down at Tam Chuc Lake, on the surface of the lake there are 6 small mountains, the Mother Goddess Temple is currently located on one of those six mountains. Since the time they first explored this land, people here have built a small hermitage in the cave to worship the Three Holy Mothers including Mother Thuong Thien, Mother Thuong Ngan and Mother Thoai Phu. After Queen Nguyet Nuong and Princess Ngoc Nuong passed away, they were also worshiped here. In Ba Sao, there is also an ancient temple called Gieng temple located in group 3 of Ba Sao town today. The temple worships Dai Can of the South Sea Nation, Mrs. Nga Hoang and Mrs. Anh. They are human beings and are honored by the people of the region as Native Mothers, conferred many times by the Nguyen Dynasty.

Along with the complex of ancient communal houses, temples, and pagodas, after thousands of years, the ecological landscape here still retains its pristine appearance, rich in tangible and intangible values. In 2006, the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha chose to build a world-class pagoda - the new Tam Chuc pagoda. The newly built Tam Chuc Pagoda has embellished the country's Buddhist scene, worthy of the convergence of the world's Buddhist cultural elite for its belief in charity and peace.

Unique Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex

Tam Chuc - Ba Sao tourist area (Kim Bang).  Photo: PV

In Tam Chuc, the traditional Tam Chuc village festival is still preserved. Tam Chuc village festival takes place at 3 main locations: Tam Chuc communal house, Mau temple, Gieng temple for 3 days (from the 9th to the 11th of the 11th lunar month every year) to show respect and gratitude to the gods. , Buddha, historical figures who have contributed to the people and the country, pray for the country's state, people's peace, prosperity, good weather, good harvests, and good harvests. One of the unique customs of the Tam Chuc village festival is to organize a competition between the four zodiac signs in choosing a typical offering tray to offer to the Saint on the opening day of the festival, and at the same time organize water procession and moc duc ceremonies, perform the traditional palanquin stacking game.

The second festival is the Tam Chuc Pagoda Festival held on the 12th day of the first lunar month every year. In 2019, on the occasion of the inauguration of phase I of Tam Chuc Buddhist Cultural Center, to celebrate the 2019 World Buddha's Birthday (Vesak Day - 2019), Ha Nam province coordinated with the Central Vietnam Buddhist Sangha. Nam is restoring and reorganizing festivals and religious rituals that date back more than 1,000 years ago. On the opening day of the festival, spiritual rituals took place by the religious clergy along with all monks, nuns, and Buddhists in the country such as: Ringing bells, beating drums to open the festival, offering incense to pray for peace, and organizing a procession. peace bell, water procession ceremony and Buddhist cultural activities.

From the historical, cultural, and natural landscape values ​​mentioned above, Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex has recently been ranked by the Ministry of Culture and Sports as a National Monument in the category of scenic spots and landscapes. .

Unique Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex

To preserve and promote intangible cultural values ​​here, in recent years, Ha Nam province has paid attention and directed local authorities and coordinated with specialized agencies to deploy many solutions to restore these values. value the intangible cultural heritage of this land, typically the Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape which has been planned as a national key tourist area. According to planning, this area has a core area of ​​4,000 hectares, including the entire Ba Sao town. Surrounding the Tam Chuc scenic spot (buffer zone), there are also scenic relic complexes such as: Lat Son base, Thanh Son commune; Bat Canh Son scenic spot, Tuong Linh commune; Ba Danh Pagoda - Ngoc Mountain, Ngoc Son commune and Truc Ngu Dong Son temple, Thi Son commune. The boundary of the heritage conservation area includes: Ancient relics, Tam Chuc - Quyen Vong lake scenic area and endemic primeval forest where Delacour's langur is preserved. About the scenic area: The North borders the Day River; The South borders Hoa Binh province; The East borders Lien Son commune, Kim Bang district; The West borders the Huong Pagoda area, Hanoi city and Hoa Binh province.

Unique Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex

Tam Chuc Lake when it was first filled with water. Photo: Binh Chu

Tam Chuc scenic spot with 1A protection areas includes: Ba Sao mountain range, That Tinh mountain, Vac valley, Co Sao mountain, Bat cave, karst well (karst are landforms related to circulation of water in soluble rocks), Doi 4 cave, Doi 8 cave, Logi cave, Tam Chuc lake, Co island, Hen islet, Ba Sao pagoda (ancient Tam Chuc pagoda), Tam Chuc communal house, Mau temple and pagoda New Tam Chuc. Co Sao Mountain is the highest mountain of the Ba Sao mountain range. The mountain has a tower shape with steep cliffs, clinging to the cliffs are vines and shrubs forming floors. The top of the mountain is often covered with clouds and fog, blending into the mountain like a parasol, creating mystery and sacredness. According to legend, during the Ly Dynasty (1066 - 1141), Zen Master Nguyen Minh Khong once went to Co Sao mountain to pick medicine and established a small hermitage here to practice meditation. Some time later, Buddha Emperor Tran Nhan Tong had the opportunity to visit here and went up the mountain to visit and repair the temple.

 Karst well in Ba Sao is located on the right side of Co Sao mountain. From the location of this karst well discovery to the top of Co Sao mountain, you will have to go up about 40m. And the area at the top of this mountain is being built with stairs leading up to build a tower expected to be about 5 floors high. In terms of appearance, this is a rare karst landscape. The well is rectangular in shape, with an estimated area of ​​about 350 - 400m2. The walls of the well are vertical cliffs of different heights. Plants growing in the well are bananas and climbing plants, and there are many small caves with many stone bells and stalactites.

Ba Sao is also a very unique flooded limestone mountain area with a lake and swamp ecosystem, fresh and cool climate all year round, so the highlight of the scenic spot is Tam Chuc Lake. Thanks to the good preservation of the natural landscape over the years, Tam Chuc Lake is a place where migratory birds often come, most of which are cygnets, storks, egrets, pelicans... is a premise for the development of lake eco-tourism and tourism to visit wetland ecosystems.

The most special is the Tam Chuc Buddhist Spiritual Area - a large-scale world-class contemporary spiritual architectural complex, with many records that have been established. The entire Buddhist spiritual area was built on an area of ​​146 hectares, on the main axis of Tam Chuc Pagoda, including: Ngoc Pagoda, Tam The Palace, Phap Chu Palace, Quan Am Palace, Sutra Pillar Garden, Three Internal Entrances, Water temple... Tam Chuc spiritual tourist area is located in a special location, the connection point between Huong Pagoda tourist area (Hanoi) with Bai Dinh pagoda spiritual cultural area and Trang An eco-tourism area (Ninh Binh). ) creates a typical type of inter-regional spiritual tourism product that contributes to enhancing the historical, cultural, tourist and economic values ​​of localities.

Unique Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex

Herd of white-rumped langurs in Kim Bang forest, Ha Nam. Documentary photo

 In protected area 2A of the scenic spot, the highlight is the Delacour's Langur Conservation Area. This is an endemic primate species, only naturally distributed in Vietnam. This species is also on the list of critically endangered species of the International Organization for Conservation of Nature. Currently, Delacour's langurs are mainly distributed in Van Long wetland conservation area, Ninh Binh province and forest areas of Kim Bang district, Ha Nam province. Realizing the importance of protecting this rare primate, since 2019, Ha Nam province has organized a consultation conference to develop a project to establish a Delacid Langur Conservation Area. Since then, the Kim Bang District Forest Ranger Department has coordinated with FFI (Fauna and Flora Conservation International) and Tam Chuc Tourism and Services Company to establish a Community Forest Protection Team to regularly monitor and inspect the forest. Investigate and prevent hunting of wild animals, including Delacour's Langur. Currently, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is preparing documents to establish a Delacour's Langur Conservation Area with a total area of ​​over 3,180 hectares to submit to the Provincial People's Committee.

Preserving and promoting the value of Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex

Tam Chuc scenic complex is located on a prominent humid tropical limestone geological area similar to Trang An, Ninh Binh province, and is considered a model of the same type and has outstanding global geological significance. Terrain development over millions of years has formed here a landscape of pristine, splendid beauty with outstanding aesthetic values ​​- a blend of towering mountains, covered with up by the forest floor, basins, caves and underground streams. In terms of geographical space, Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape has elements representing ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of ecosystems on land, in fresh water, sea water and plant and animal communities, containing the most important and significant natural habitats for biodiversity conservation. This place also preserves relics, archaeological sites, traces, and legends about the history of formation and development of Buddhism and Vietnamese indigenous beliefs through the Dinh, Early Le, Ly, and Ly dynasties. Tran, Later Le, Mac... in the nation's history.

Unique Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex

Tourists visit the jade pagoda. The Trang's photo

With its position, role and strengths in tourism resources, Tam Chuc has received attention from all levels of government from central to provincial levels to develop into a national tourist area. In the Strategy and Master Plan for Vietnam's tourism development to 2020, vision to 2030, Tam Chuc is identified as one of the nine tourist areas of the Red River Delta and Northeast Coast and one of 47 tourist areas in the country have the potential to develop into national tourist areas. In Resolution No. 07-NQ/TW, dated June 30, 2016 of the Ha Nam Provincial Party Committee on promoting trade and service development, the focus is on regional high-quality services in health care and human resource training. energy and tourism in the period 2016 - 2025 has set out important perspectives and goals for tourism development in Ha Nam. Especially in the Master Plan for development of Tam Chuc National Tourist Area, Ha Nam province until 2030, approved by the Prime Minister on May 15, 2018, the goal is that by 2025, Tam Chuc Tourist Area will be Hopefully it basically meets the criteria of the National Tourist Area. Striving by 2030, Tam Chuc Tourist Area will become a national tourist area with a synchronous system of technical facilities and high quality tourism products.

To achieve that goal, the Provincial People's Committee has directed to promote research and protect the values, integrity, authenticity and accuracy of the heritage. Focus on research to meet the requirements of preserving and promoting the outstanding global values ​​of Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape. Establish a legal and scientific basis to build a master plan, preserve and promote heritage values. Associate the preservation and promotion of heritage with tourism development, community development and local socio-economic development. Focus on developing tourism but must be especially respectful and friendly to both types of environment: the natural environment and the socio-cultural environment. Develop plans and projects to develop various types of tourism in the heritage area, aiming to diversify tourism products and types of services. Develop plans and projects to promote tourism for the heritage of Tam Chuc Scenic Landscape Complex. Develop an environmental control plan in the heritage area through an annual environmental monitoring plan to take measures to protect the heritage environment. Continue to research and develop mechanisms and policies to manage, preserve and promote values ​​appropriate to the characteristics of the heritage. Establish a coordination mechanism between state management agencies, businesses and local communities to attract resources from the entire society to preserve and promote the outstanding global value of the National Park. Win Tam Chuc.

Source: Chu Binh/baohanam.com.vn

