Traditional festival of Long Doi Son pagoda in 2024


On the morning of April 26 (ie March 18, Giap Thin year), Tien Son commune and Duy Tien town solemnly held the opening ceremony of the 2024 Long Doi Son Pagoda Traditional Festival.

Traditional festival of Long Doi Son pagoda in 2024

Delegates and tourists from all over attended the opening of the festival.

Attending the opening ceremony of the festival were leaders of departments, branches and branches of the province, Duy Tien town and a number of neighboring provinces and cities, along with a large number of monks, nuns, Buddhists, people and tourists from all over.

Long Doi Son Pagoda currently preserves the names of 10 generations of Patriarchs, the abbots and monks who have made many contributions to building the pagoda. The pagoda was built from 1118 to 1121. In the 15th century, the pagoda was destroyed by the Ming invaders and was rebuilt and repaired many times in the post-Le, Mac, and Nguyen dynasties.

Traditional festival of Long Doi Son pagoda in 2024

Leaders of Duy Tien town beat the drum to open the festival.

In March 1947, the pagoda was once again burned down by the French colonialists and was rebuilt after peace was restored in the North. In 1992, the pagoda was recognized as a national historical and cultural relic, and in 2017 it was recognized as a special national relic.

Currently, the pagoda still retains many valuable artifacts, such as: Sung Thien Dien Linh stele, which has been recognized by the Prime Minister as a National Treasure - one of the oldest and largest stele today. 

Traditional festival of Long Doi Son pagoda in 2024

Duy Tien town leaders presented flowers to the Festival Organizing Committee.

The 2024 Long Doi Son Pagoda Traditional Festival takes place in 5 days, from April 25-30 (from the 17th to the 21st of the third lunar month), including 2 parts: Opening ceremony, incense offering on the morning of the 26th/ 4.

The festival itself takes place continuously for 5 days with many cultural activities and unique traditional spiritual rituals, to satisfy the religious needs of Buddhists near and far; At the same time, it is an opportunity for tourists from all over to come to the pagoda to admire the beautiful scenery, learn about the cultural beauty of the festival, the outstanding values ​​of the monument, contributing to preserving and promoting the cultural values ​​of the monument. monuments and festivals.


