Opening of the Traditional Festival of Lanh Giang Temple in 2024


On the morning of July 7, the 2nd day of the 6th lunar month, Moc Nam commune, Duy Tien town opened the traditional festival of Lanh Giang temple in 2024. Attending the opening ceremony were comrade Nguyen Duc Vuong, member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; leaders of a number of departments, branches, socio-political organizations of the province, along with a large number of people and tourists from all over.

The traditional festival of Lanh Giang Temple is held in the 6th and 8th lunar months every year to commemorate and pay tribute to the three great mandarins of the 18th Hung Due Vuong era, the sons of Bat Hai Long Vuong, who had great merit in defeating the Thuc invaders and keeping the country peaceful. Lanh Giang Temple is located on the banks of the Red River in Yen Lac village, Moc Nam commune, and is a large-scale architectural work with a strong ancient style. Most of the singing melodies and the spirit medium prices of the Mother Goddess worship are still preserved here.

The June 2024 festival takes place from July 5 to July 9 (from May 30 to June 4 of the lunar calendar) with rituals such as: announcement ceremony, opening ceremony, water procession, palanquin procession, sacrifice, folk performance of Chau Van...

The festival includes folk games such as: blindfolded drumming, walking on a monkey bridge on land, tug of war, and men's stick pushing competition. The festival also includes the opening of the Lanh Giang Temple electronic information portal, cultural and artistic performances, fireworks, and volleyball competitions.

The festival is not only an opportunity to preserve and honor traditional cultural values ​​but also to promote spiritual cultural tourism, bringing many economic and social benefits to the locality. With close coordination between the government and the people, the festival promises to develop further, becoming a unique cultural highlight, attracting tourists from all over the country and contributing to promoting the cultural heritage of Moc Nam commune./.

